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Articles Written by Jon Henschen

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Advisors Have Much to Gain With Broker-Dealer Arbitrage

16:18 04 June in Articles Written by Jon Henschen by rafferty

June 2, 2018 By Jon Henschen, ThinkAdvisor With the advisory space getting crowded as others flood into the same investment style, price compression is an increasing reality, making advisory cost savings increasingly important.   The expression, “Out of sight out of mind” applies to the topic of advisory administration fees, as does “I don’t know what I don’t know.” When I interview advisors regarding the expenses they currently pay, the answers tend to fall into two categories: they are either not aware of what they pay, or they know but have no idea of what pricing competition offers them in the marketplace. Certainly, advisors are aware of what they are paying for errors and omissions insurance, monthly expenses and miscellaneous expenses such as SIPC & FINRA assessment fees. However, when asked about what advisory administration fees they pay...

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Why the Dollar’s Era of Dominance May Be Coming to an Abrupt End

17:16 09 April in Articles Written by Jon Henschen by rafferty

April 6, 2018 By Jon Henschen, Intellectual Takeout There was a monumental event that occurred on March 26 that came and went with little fanfare but has huge implications for our everyday life. On that day, China began trading Petroyuan Futures in competition with the Petrodollar Futures. To fully understand the context of this event, it helps to go over what has historically backed the US dollar. From 1792-1843, the United States monetary policy was founded upon a bimetallic dollar, convertible to either gold or silver. With the start of the Civil War until 1879, the United States, even though still committed to a bimetallic dollar standard, was functionally on a silver standard. Between 1870 and 1879, countries like France and Germany embraced gold monometallism, ending the coinage of silver in 1873 in...

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Avoid Guilt by Association

17:26 12 March in Articles Written by Jon Henschen by rafferty

March 12, 2018 By Jon Henschen, ThinkAdvisor ‘Clean advisors’ can and should avoid ‘dirty broker-dealers’; do your homework to avoid big headaches. As an advisor, you relentlessly perform risk assessments for your clients’ portfolios. Yet, one aspect of risk assessment you may ignore is the downside of being an advisor with a clean compliance record who is tied to a broker dealer with problematic compliance and financials. Compliance issues at the broker-dealer level are an area of concern rarely explored by advisors, but they should be. Is your broker-dealer home to a high number of advisors with numerous compliance or credit disclosures? As the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority drills down on anything and everything, a broker-dealer in poor standing with FINRA can make life more difficult for all its advisors — even if you may...