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Articles Written by Jon Henschen

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OpEd: The Market’s Immune System May Be Compromised

17:40 26 February in Articles Written by Jon Henschen by rafferty

February 25, 2020 By Jon Henschen, The coronavirus gets all the blame for the market implosion, but about two-thirds of these 19 bear market warning signs compiled by Bank of America were already flashing red. Does that mean the market’s immune system is compromised? The market has been able to shrug off numerous bearish indicators, but can it shrug off the coronavirus? Given that the S&P 500 is down close to 8% since Friday's close, is this the infection that kills the bull market? While prior recessions popped singular market bubbles, we are now experiencing the “everything bubble,” which includes stocks, real estate and bonds. Many theories abound as to how much longer the bull market can hold up: From Brent Johnson’s “Dollar Milkshake Theory”—the notion that keeping the dollar strong over the next few years, combined...

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Broker/Dealers Speak Out on Regulatory Vexation

16:41 11 December in Articles Written by Jon Henschen by rafferty

December 9, 2019 By Jon Henschen, Working in recruiting, the growth segment of financial services, it has always baffled me that FINRA can dictate the number of advisors that small and midsized broker dealers can bring on in a given year.  Imagine a broker/dealer being able to allot the amount of assets financial advisors can bring on in a given year, as if the broker/dealer knows better what the advisor can handle in asset growth. Even more perplexing is the fact that large broker/dealers have no restriction on mergers, acquisitions, branch offices or rep count, while small and midsized firms have restrictions on all of these. FINRA can use growth allotment as a weapon to penalize a firm, as one recruiter colleague of mine can attest. This recruiter called me for help in...