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What Deutsche Bank Left Off Its List of 30 Market Risks

17:09 07 January in Articles Written by Jon Henschen by rafferty

January 3, 2019 By Jon Henschen, ThinkAdvisor Ironically, one of the biggest risks to the global economy is Deutsche Bank's own derivatives business. Volatility and risk are of primary concern to advisors and investors in 2019. Deutsche Bank recently chimed in on these issues, releasing what it sees as the 30 primary risks for the New Year: Algo-driven, risk parity-driven fire sale in equities and credit continues Slowing growth in China and Europe slowing down the U.S. economy Slowing growth in China and Europe triggering significant U.S. dollar appreciation Tailing U.S. Treasury auctions and/or declining bid-to-cover ratios Increased U.S. T-bill issuance continues to push 3-month Libor-Overnight Index Saw wider Increased U.S. Treasury issuance pulls dollar out of investment-grade credit and equities Higher hedging costs continue to lower European and Japanese appetite for U.S. credit ...