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Fee Revenue Surged at the Largest IBD’s Last Year

22:54 03 May in In the News by rafferty

May 2, 2022 By Bruce Kelly, Investment News Independent broker-dealers, so called because they pay advisers as independent contractors and not employees, continued to see a surge in revenue last year from advisers charging clients fees, a notable achievement for an industry that less than a decade saw the majority of its revenue derive from commissions on the sales of products. Indeed, the rising tide in revenue from fees, which firms typically charge clients based on assets and before the start of a new quarter, was so strong among the largest independent broker-dealers that in 2021 fees comprised 54% of revenue from the top 25 broker-dealers in this year’s InvestmentNews survey. Meanwhile, revenue from commissions was 34% and other revenue, primarily generated from interest-rate spreads, was 12% Those InvestmentNews calculations don’t capture the entire IBD marketplace: They...

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With the rise of RIAs, recruiters must change their game

16:20 04 November in In the News by rafferty

November 2, 2021 By Bruce Kelly, Investment News As the grip of the Big Four wirehouses — Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, UBS and Wells Fargo Advisors — on financial advisers has lessened over the past 10 years or so, one of the main arteries for attracting new financial advisers, recruiting, has evolved as well. Twenty years ago, around the time of the stock bubble, if a reporter naively asked a third-party recruiter who worked with wirehouses whether an adviser would consider moving to an independent contractor broker-dealer like LPL Financial or Commonwealth, the recruiter would have laughed and said, “Not in a hundred years.” OK, the payout is higher at the independent firm, but where’s the lead generation? Where’s the brand? Where’s the upfront bonus? Where are the stock options? In short, where’s...

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At sketchy brokerages, FINRA is now part of HR

18:18 02 September in In the News by rafferty

September 2, 2021 By Lynnley Browning, Financial Planning Bad brokerages all too willing to look past an advisor's checkered past have a new hoop to jump through before potentially bringing them on board. Under new rules that began on Sept. 1, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, or FINRA, is forcing brokerages that want to hire financial advisors with sketchy records to undergo a “consultation” with the agency. The potentially uncomfortable sit-down could force a brokerage to apply for FINRA’s blessing to hire those brokers — with no guarantee the regulator would say yes. The brokerage industry's watchdog has new rules designed to rein in rogue brokers. The rules from FINRA, a self-regulating watchdog overseen by the Securities and Exchange Commission, affect firms that want to hire a broker who within the past five years has acquired...