Aggressive Offers Help Indie B-Ds Recruit National Planning Holdings
by Bruce Kelly and featured in Investment News
October, 2007:
Independent broker-dealers making lucrative and inventive offers to recruits appear to be gaining interest and attracting reps, with two firms saying they have recently found traction with advisers.
In April, the four broker-dealers in Santa Monica, Calif.-based National Planning Holdings Inc.’s network began offering independent-contractor reps and advisers an astounding 42.5% of their previous 12 months’ fees and commissions to join. The offer, which is in the form of a forgivable loan and transition money, ended yesterday.
“It’s been very popular,” said Jim Livingston, chief executive of NPH. “The pipeline is reasonably full.”
Brokers needed to sign a letter of intent by Sept. 30 to qualify for the offer, although the firm expects to make transitions of advisers into December.