FINRA Seeks Second Round of Comments on Markups, Commissions Plan
February 5, 2013
by Melanie Waddell, AdvisorOne
After proposing to end the 5% threshold on markups and commissions, FINRA now asks for feedback on retaining it
After being deluged with comments against its plan to end a 5% threshold on commissions and markups, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is giving broker-dealers yet another chance to weigh in.
As part of the process to develop a new, consolidated rulebook—merging the NYSE rule book with FINRA’s—FINRA released a second request for comment via a Regulatory Notice on Thursday regarding its proposed rules governing markups, markdowns, commissions and fees.
The regulatory agency said that in response to the first round of comments received, it is now proposing several changes to the proposed rules,