What Does First Allied’s New Parent Company Look Like?
June 12, 2013
by Diana Britton, WealthManagement.com
While Nick Schorsch, head of First Allied’s new parent company, is known for his work in the non-traded REIT space, he’s got even bigger plans for private equity firm. What can reps expect?
Most people in the industry know Nick Schorsch, CEO of RCAP Holdings, as the head of non-traded REIT sponsor American Realty Capital, which has 51 percent market share in real estate direct investment and $10 billion in capital. So it came as a surprise to many when Schorsch announced his plans to acquire independent broker/dealer First Allied this morning.
“It’s very surprising that it’s that type of firm buying [First Allied],” said Ryan Shanks, CEO and founder of Finetooth Consulting.
Why would Schorsch and his four partners make such a big leap into the IBD space?